아직 CPLEX를 설치하지 않은 분은 아래 글 참고!
[Cplex] IBM Cplex, 파이썬 DoCplex 패키지 설치
Install the IBM Cplex, Python DoCplex package 1. Cplex 설치 https://www.ibm.com/academic/topic/data-science 혹은 https://academic.ibm.com/a2mt/email-auth 에서 학교 메일로 가입 후 로그인, 평가판 설치 풀버전은 매우 비싸고 commu
pip install docplex
from docplex.mp.model import Model
# 모델 정의
mdl = Model("P-Median Problem")
# 데이터
Warehouses = ["w" + str(i) for i in range(1, 103)]
Customers = ["c" + str(i) for i in range(1, 363)]
MaxWarehousesP = 3
Demand = [~~, ~~, ~~, ..., ~~]
Distance = [
[~~, ~~, ...,~~],
[~~, ~~, ...,~~],
[~~, ~~, ...,~~]
# Decision Variables
Open = mdl.binary_var_dict(Warehouses, name="Open")
Assign = mdl.binary_var_matrix(Warehouses, Customers, name="Assign")
# Objective Function
mdl.minimize(mdl.sum(Demand[c_idx] * Distance[w_idx][c_idx] * Assign[w, c]
for w_idx, w in enumerate(Warehouses)
for c_idx, c in enumerate(Customers)))
# Constraints
for c in Customers:
mdl.add_constraint(mdl.sum(Assign[w, c] for w in Warehouses) == 1, ctname="Demand_{}".format(c))
# Use Maximum_P_Warehouses constraint
mdl.add_constraint(mdl.sum(Open[w] for w in Warehouses) == MaxWarehousesP, ctname="MaxWarehouses")
# Cannot Assign Customer to WH Unless It Is Open constraint
for w in Warehouses:
for c in Customers:
mdl.add_constraint(Assign[w, c] <= Open[w], ctname="Assign_{}_{}".format(w, c))
# Solve
solution = mdl.solve()
# Print the result
if solution:
print("Objective value:", mdl.objective_value)
# If you want to print the selected Warehouses and Customer assignments
for w in Warehouses:
if Open[w].solution_value:
print("Warehouse {} is open".format(w))
print("No Solution")
기존에 cplex OPL 코드를 짜놨는데,
GPT 4.0으로 python 코드로 바꾸었다.
위의 코드를 실행하면
이렇게 결과가 나온다.
pip install docplex
import xlrd
from docplex.mp.model import Model
import pandas as pd
import csv
# 모델 정의
mdl = Model("P-Median Problem")
# 데이터
Warehouses = ["w" + str(i) for i in range(1, 427)]
Customers = ["c" + str(i) for i in range(1, 200)]
MaxWarehousesP = 2
# 파일 불러오기
Distance = pd.read_csv("distance_whole_.csv")
input_path = "distance_whole_.csv"
# 파일을 UTF-8로 읽기
with open(input_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
content = f.read()
# 내용을 cp949로 다시 쓰기
with open(input_path, 'w', encoding='cp949') as f:
Distance = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/user/OneDrive - SNU/바탕 화면/1_노인복지관_학위논문_figure/5_네트워크거리/distance_whole_.csv")
Distance = []
with open("C:/Users/user/OneDrive - SNU/바탕 화면/1_노인복지관_학위논문_figure/5_네트워크거리/distance_whole_.csv", encoding = "utf-8") as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
Distance.append(list(map(float, row))) # float로 변환하는 것을 가정. 필요에 따라 int나 다른 형태로 변환 가능.
def get_demand_data(file_path, sheet_index=0, column_index=0):
# 파일 열기
xls = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
# 원하는 워크시트 선택
sheet = xls.sheet_by_index(sheet_index)
# 특정 열의 데이터를 리스트로 가져오기
column_data = sheet.col_values(column_index)
return column_data
file_path ="C:/Users/user/OneDrive - SNU/바탕 화면/1_노인복지관_학위논문_figure/5_네트워크거리/demand_whole.xls"
Demand = (get_demand_data(file_path))
# Decision Variables
Open = mdl.binary_var_dict(Warehouses, name="Open")
Assign = mdl.binary_var_matrix(Warehouses, Customers, name="Assign")
# Objective Function
mdl.minimize(mdl.sum(Demand[c_idx] * Distance[w_idx][c_idx] * Assign[w, c]
for w_idx, w in enumerate(Warehouses)
for c_idx, c in enumerate(Customers)))
# Constraints
for c in Customers:
mdl.add_constraint(mdl.sum(Assign[w, c] for w in Warehouses) == 1, ctname="Demand_{}".format(c))
# Use Maximum_P_Warehouses constraint
mdl.add_constraint(mdl.sum(Open[w] for w in Warehouses) == MaxWarehousesP, ctname="MaxWarehouses")
# Cannot Assign Customer to WH Unless It Is Open constraint
for w in Warehouses:
for c in Customers:
mdl.add_constraint(Assign[w, c] <= Open[w], ctname="Assign_{}_{}".format(w, c))
# Solve
solution = mdl.solve()
if solution:
print("Objective value:", mdl.objective_value)
# If you want to print the selected Warehouses and Customer assignments
for c in Customers:
for w in Warehouses:
if Assign[w, c].solution_value:
print("Customer {} is assigned to Warehouse {}".format(c, w))
print("No Solution")
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