[ChatGPT] Using the chatGPT function in Google spreadsheet
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GPT for Sheets and Docs 클릭
본인 아이디에서 허용을 눌러주면
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확장프로그램 > gpt > set api key 클릭
OpenAI Platform
Explore developer resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's platform.
create new secret key 클릭
새로운 key가 생김
It seems you are using multiple Google accounts in the same Chrome session. Please follow these steps to fix it:
- Follow this procedure to create a dedicated Chrome profile
- Create a new document
- Set up your API key in this new document
- Try to open the GPT for Sheets™ and Docs™ sidebar again
가 뜨는 이유 : 하나의 크롬 아이디 안에서 웹페이지는 다른 아이디로 로그인된 경우임.
크롬 아이디와 웹 로그인 아이디를 통일시켜주자.
next 클릭
전부 다음 눌러주면 됨
Your API key is not working
Enter a payment method in the OpenAI billing page. (ChatGPT Plus DOES NOT cover API usage)
It can take up to 30 minutes for a new OpenAI account or key to become active. Try again later.
참고로 gpt 유료 결제를 한다고 하더라도 API 사용료를 커버하지는 않음. ㅇ
결제 방법을 등록해야 함.
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