🖥️ IT, 컴퓨터/🤖 GenAI_Tech

[DALLE 3] 이미지 생성 사례 :: 일본 기차 풍경

김 홍시 2023. 11. 20.





Create an image of a quaint, vintage train crossing a bridge over a serene blue sea. 
The train is of a classic design, reminiscent of early 20th-century locomotives, with a distinct golden-yellow and cream color scheme. 
The bridge is a sturdy, industrial red, showing signs of weathering, with concrete supports rooted in the sea. 
The water below is calm and reflects the clear sky above. 
The overall aesthetic is reminiscent of a scene from a Japanese animated film with a nostalgic and whimsical atmosphere, featuring soft, pastel-like colors and a painterly texture.




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