[GIS] 지리정보 GIS 관련 프로그램/패키지 모음
이 중 내가 알고 있거나 써 본 것은 leaflet, open layers, deck.gl, d3.js, here, google maps, open map tiles,qgis, geoda, folium, kepler.gl, geopandas, h3, bigquery 정도이다. 출처 https://forrest.nyc/what-is-modern-gis/ What is Modern GIS? - Matt Forrest - Modern GIS and Geospatial Ideas and GuidesThe GIS we use and practice today is fundamentally different from the GIS we used previously. In the past, I have writ..
🏞️ GIS & RS/📚 GIS (지리정보시스템)
2024. 6. 10.